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Weight Loss for Everyone: Gone of the rails since starting therapy.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gone of the rails since starting therapy.

So I started CBT 3 weeks ago. Up until that point I was doing great, had lost 20lbs, was walking and doing some workouts, feeling good.

But now I can't stop binging. The day or 2 after my sessions are worst. But most days I'll start of well, tracking everything. But then I lose all control in the evenings. I have regained about 5lbs.

Does anybody have some words of advice? I've never really comfort eaten before. I just liked to eat a lot. My portion sizes have crept back up and I just feel gross. Now I can feel myself wanting something carby or salty and comforting as soon as i finish my phone session. Brains are tricky.

How do i get back in the groove?

submitted by /u/CptGoodGirl
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