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Weight Loss for Everyone: Intermittent Fasting for Rapid Weight Loss

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Intermittent Fasting for Rapid Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting for Rapid Weight Loss-Let's Begin
Intermittent fasting for rapid weight loss is not a new diet. Actually, this method of fasting is an old secret to help your body recover. Just think of the Buddhist monks who also often fast. Fasting may sound like a 'punishment', but it is easy to follow and a super effective method to boost weight loss. Many people have already discovered fasting as the method to lose weight quickly. It is extremely popular on Instagram. What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is not a new diet. Actually, this method is a natural system of your body. With intermittent fasting you choose not to eat solid food for a longer period of time. You do drink (water, coffee and tea), but no drinks that contain calories. We have become accustomed to eating something every few hours. If you don't eat for a while, your body has to look for another source of fuel and that is your own body fat. By fasting you activate your natural fat burning. When we used to be hunter/gatherers, we were already fasting. After all, you couldn't just open the cupboard in the morning to put breakfast on the table. For that you first had to hunt. You have probably unconsciously fasted when you were sick. You have no appetite, because your body needs all the energy to recover. Digesting food then takes too much energy. Then your body often automatically indicates that it wants to fast. Fasting may sound like a 'punishment', but it is easy to follow and a super effective method to boost weight loss. Eating schedule example for an effective intermittent fasting Simply put, there are three main methods of fasting. We have not considered the more extreme methods here. Below you can see how many eating moments people have on average with a traditional Dutch eating pattern. You start with breakfast at 7 am (first meal), then you have a snack (second meal) and so on until you have 6 eating moments per day. When fasting you limit the number of eating moments. You eat larger meals and portions than you are used to at 3 times. This is because you have your last meal at 6 pm and you need to be sufficiently satiated until 1 pm the next day. Basic method This is a great method to start with if you are new to fasting. Your body gets used to it so slowly that it is not offered food for a period of time. Below you can see what an intermittent fasting schedule can look like. You eat three main meals and no snacks.
16:8 method This method of intermittent fasting is the most popular. This is because you can easily lose weight with this method, burn as much fat as possible but do not have to fast for too long in a row. The most common with this method is to skip breakfast and eat only lunch and dinner. Super fasting You fast very strictly 2 days a week and relax a bit more on the other 5 days. Some people find this method easy, because you only have to pay close attention to what you eat for 2 days. It is important that you continue to eat healthy for the other 5 days, but you do not have to pay attention to your eating and fasting times. You usually plan the strict days on days when you don't have to be super active. How can you lose weight with intermittent fasting? Back to basics. What happens in your body when we eat? Normally your body obtains energy from carbohydrates that we consume through our diet. Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for our body. You eat these carbohydrates spread over 6 eating moments a day. So you start at 7 am with, for example, a bowl of Greek yogurt with nuts and a kiwi. Around 11 pm you end the day with a cracker with cheese and some snack tomatoes. You will spend a total of 16 hours eating. Of course not all day long, but enough to keep your digestion active all the time. Then you go to sleep at 11 pm and after 8 hours of rest you start the day again with a bowl of cottage cheese with homemade granola. What are the benefits of intermittent fasting The basis is this: By not eating for a period of time, your body gets rest. Your organs are also happy with a 'break'. Your pancreas no longer needs to continuously release insulin. Your liver can recover. This makes your body more powerful. The gist is this: by not eating for a while, your body may become stronger. You burn fat longer Your metabolism gets a boost Even if you have stopped losing weight for a while, you can now lose weight again You don't have to worry as much about what to eat or what not to eat Not a strict method and easy to maintain No food groups are excluded You can eat some carbohydrates during your eating period, such as brown rice or sweet potato You experience that hunger quickly disappears and you can do without snacks How can you start with intermittent fasting for Rapid Weight Loss?
Once you have chosen an eating schedule that suits your daily rhythm, you can start fasting. We'll tell you in advance. Even the beginning is difficult. So it really takes some getting used to not starting the day with your usual breakfast. We have fasted ourselves a few times and it always takes a bit of a change. To make things easier for yourself, you can also choose to only have proteins for breakfast for the first two days. This way, your body will still continue to burn fat, but you don't have to immediately give up your breakfast habit. For example, have a glass of milk with a boiled egg for breakfast and then start your first meal at noon. After two days of getting used to it, you only have a glass of water, a cup of tea or coffee to start the day. Very soon you will see from your body and the scale that you have lost kilos. This will give you motivation to continue with intermittent fasting. And remember, you don't have to follow this method all your life. It is temporary to boost weight loss. We recommend following this for a maximum of 3 to 4 weeks. So if you suddenly feel the urge to snack later in the evening, you really have to be strong and not give in. After the three weeks of fasting, you can simply switch back to 6 eating moments per day. Fasting is a safe method for losing weight.

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